February Holiday and Events
Preschool Activities and Crafts @ First-School.ws
February 2025 Printable Calendar
February holidays and events printable crafts, coloring pages, activities, lesson plans and themes suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten.
Holidays, Events and Observances
Black History
National Children's Dental Health Month [info.]
2nd: Groundhog Day
12th: Lantern Festival
last day of Chinese New Year festival
Dragon or Tiger paper lanterns
17th: Presidents' Day - 3rd Monday
28th: 1st day of Ramadan (Feb 28 - Mar 29)
Holidays & Events Index >
Animals - Pets & Environment Observances
National Bird Feeding Month [info.]
National Pet Dental Month [info.]
Responsible Pet Owner Month
3rd Sunday: World Whale Day
Last Tuesday: Spay Day [info.]
1st: Serpent Day
2nd: Groundhog Day
2nd: Hedgehog Day
2nd: World Ostrich Day
2nd: World Wetlands Day
15th: World Hippopotamus Day
20th: Love Your Pet Day
22nd: Walking the Dog Day
23rd: National Dog Biscuit Day
27th: International Polar Bear Day
Animals - Pets Observances Index >