United States Flag Preschool Printable Lesson Plan Activities
Purpose: Introduce young children to the importance of
a national symbol, the United States flag.
Activity 1: What is a flag? What does a National
Flag represent?
Display a flag - here is color
*Ask the children what is a flag.
A flag is a piece of cloth, in the shape of a rectangle or triangle,
with colors, and designs. Flags are used for signaling or as
symbols of a country or organization.
*Every country has a national flag. A national flag
represents a country’s citizens. When you are the citizen
of a country is like being part of a team and you work together to
take care of the country. A country is like a big
home with many rooms and in each room are families and
individuals living in communities. You can expand on how
"the big rooms" are states, with "smaller rooms"
called counties and sections called towns and
Activity: My First United States Flag Craft(Ages 2 to
This is a very simple activity for young children. Explore
a national symbol, the American flag and learn basic skills.
Print and distribute the flag
Discuss basic elements of the United States flag.
1. Shapes > Identify that the flag is a rectangle.
Two long sides and two short sides. Have children trace with
their finger the long sides and short sides in the template.
2. Colors and counting > Discuss that red, white and
blue are the national colors. Have children count the thirteen
stripes. Identify that seven are red and six are white. These strips stand for the first 13 colonies.
3. The blue rectangle houses 50 white stars for
each state.
4. Tell the children they will decorate and add the stars >
choose painted fingerprints or star stickers (silver stars are easy
to locate). Add only 13 fingerprints for the first colonies or
add up to 20 to fill up the blue space.
Activity: Letter F
Flag Lesson Plan Printable Activities
Introduce the alphabet activities.
Activity: Optional > Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
The Pledge of Allegiance is a promise of loyalty to the United States.
Related activity > The Pledge of Allegiance Bookmark activities |
First United States Flag Craft


is for Flag Printable Activities
*white paper or card
stock is better.
*white paint or star stickers