The Fisherman and his Wife Fairy Tale Crafts and
Lesson Plan Printable Activities

These are contemporary retellings of Brother's Grimm tale Num. 19 that has been told in many different ways in many countries. The main characters, through thoughtlessness or greed, waste three wishes that have been granted them.
- printer
- paper
- coloring and writing tools
- scissors
- glue stick
Activity > Read, watch and listen to the fairy tale:
Option 1 > Read the story at @
Option 2 > View a version @ YouTube video

Online jigsaw puzzle

Coloring page

Letter F Fish activities

Letter F Fishermen activities

Letter B Boat activity and craft
Coloring Pages > The Fisherman and His Wife
Print the coloring pages of your choice in the materials column. Have children color and decorate with a variety of colors and
materials. All fish
theme coloring pages.
Activity > Online Jigsaw Puzzle
This is a fun online and printable puzzle to practice problem solving.
Community Helpers and Careers > The Fisherman >
Discuss some basic facts about what a fisherman
Fish theme theme lesson activities >
This lesson plan includes the following:
1. Learn about fish
2. Alphabet Letter F Fish or F Fishermen printable activities:
3. Craft > Five Fish in a Bowl > Learn numbers
1-5 and colors
4. Nursery rhyme activities and more.
Boat theme lesson
plan activities >
This lesson plan includes the following:
1. Learn about boats
2. Alphabet Letter B is for Boat printable activities
3. Boat printable craft
4. Song, boating and water safety resources