Fun with Clowns > Children will practice
shapes, numbers and colors to make an Easy Shapes Clown Craft
companion that
they can hold and use as a puppet along with some fun online activities and more!
Activity 1: Easy Shapes Clown
Print your choice of color or black and white templates. There is a small image of the completed clown on the
template. Read below for different options to assemble the
Note: To make the craft more challenging for older children
substitute template page 2 (large circle) with a small
dessert paper plate. To save on ink print black and white template
2 or 2a on light/pastel
color paper.
Template 2a is for young children under 3 years of age
(toddlers) to help them position pieces.
There are a number of ways to complete the craft that address
certain learning activities:
Option 1: Recycling and Focus on Colors
Print the black and white template, cut the pieces and
practice color recognition by choose colors with the children for
the different pieces. Trace the template pieces over scraps of
construction paper you may have accumulated.
Option 2: Color by the Number & Colors:
With this option children can practice number recognition and
- Print the black and white template and do a color by the number
- Make a number & color chart with crayons or markers, then write
the assigned number inside the template pieces.
- The children
look at the chart to search for the right number,color
the pieces according to chart. If it is a large group make the
number/color chart on a board so everyone can refer it.
Before assembling and gluing the pieces, make sure to
discuss each shape used: circle, triangle, and crescent
shape. Sort the shapes by color and then size.
Emotions: Demonstrate how the crescent shape for the mouth
can illustrate a happy face and when turn upside down it illustrates
The "hair" orange triangles can be cut
along the dotted line (make sure not to go past where the line
indicates). Roll the strips on a pencil to curl and glue
as illustrated. The children can also glue a few strands of
yarn over the piece.
You can also
replace the yellow circle and glue a cotton ball or large pom pom on the tip of the
hat instead.
Once the the clown is assembled glue a large craft stick
(tongue depressor size), or a toilet paper tube or half of paper
towel tube to the back and the clown puppet is ready!
Activity 2: Online Activity: Fun with the Clowns at Chateau Meddybemps
First Page: At the top of the screen is a drop down menu with
developmental ideas that are very useful to conduct the activity:
Here is what they suggest and some
additional suggestions:
- Anticipation: Give the children time
to observe the scene and ask the children what may be happening next
before scrolling down. Will they fall?
- Second Page:
Counting and matching: This matching
activities may be challenging for younger children (under age 3) so they
may need assistance to identify the matching one or different
- Emotions and feelings: This part of the
activity can be really fun. Have the children try to mimic
each of the faces and participate with them. Make sure
to use the words for each facial expression: happy, angry,
concerned, sad, etc.
Additional fun learning activities with clowns:
- Alphabet
Letter is C is for Clown >
Review materials for letter C featuring the clown in the clown
- Easy Clown Hat and Face Painting Activity
Print this simple clown
hat and glue it to a paper head band
(cut three 1 1/2 " strips from a piece of construction
lengthwise and tape together to make the head band) and
wear after the face painting.
Use skin safe paints and have clown face painting activity. Keep it simple: a
little red paint in the nose, cheeks, and white and red around the
mouth. Older children can work in pairs painting each other's
- Number Practice - Clown coloring activities that teach.
with six balloons> Count the
circles inside the balloons representing the numbers,
trace inside the number and color the clown.
clowns with numbers and shapes > Count,
identify and color the shapes in the clowns'
outfit representing the numbers in the hat, trace
inside the number and color the clowns. Use a different color for each clown's
shapes and number.
- Coloring
Fun & Easy Craft Fun - Here are several more clown related
coloring pages with suggested activities, and some are suitable to decorate and practice
scissor skills and make hand puppets.
Easy Shapes Clown Craft

illustration only
1 | 2
(2a with positioning guidelines)
Black & White
1 | 2 | 2a
(2a with positioning guidelines)
Letter C clown printable activities

coloring pages
*paper, card stock or scraps
of construction paper
*coloring tools
*glue or glue stick
*craft stick/Popsicle