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Bible Activities at First-School.ws
The Birth of Jesus
adapted from Luke 2:1-7 for young children

Caesar Augustus, a mighty king,
Ordered a census, a curious thing.
Joseph and Mary, a couple so true,
To Bethlehem traveled, a journey new.
Mary was pregnant, a holy sight,
Her baby was coming, pure and bright.
No room at the inn, a sad affair,
In a manger, the baby lay there.

Jesus was born, a gift from above,
A symbol of hope, and endless love.
Let’s celebrate Him, with joy and cheer,
For Christmas is here, and love is near.
Merry Christmas!
census: A census is like a big, important count. It's when the government counts all the people in a country or territory to see how many there are. They ask questions about how old you are, where you live, and sometimes even what your favorite color is!