The Resurrection of Jesus
Online Story for Young Children
Print, read and discuss the Bible story adapted from Matthew 28 and John 20 for young children 3+. Visit related lesson plan for printable activities and crafts for preschool to first grade.
The Resurrection of Jesus
adapted from Matthew 28
Jesus died on a Friday afternoon. Friends quickly placed his body in a
tomb cut into a rocky hillside and blocked the entrance with a great stone. Guards were sent to
secure the tomb.
On Sunday, when
two women, one called Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were
visiting the tomb, they felt a great earthquake.
They saw an angel come and roll away the stone from the entrance of the tomb. The guards were so frightened that they shook and fainted!
The angel told the women not to be afraid, that Jesus was not there for he had risen. This meant that Jesus was alive! The angel told them to go quickly and tell Jesus' friends that he is alive.
On their way back suddenly Jesus met them and said "Do not be afraid. Go and tell my brothers to go to Galilee, there they will see me"
And just as Jesus had promised he rose from the dead on the third day after his death!
Christians celebrate Easter Sunday to remember this important event.
Jesus is Alive!
Adapted from John 20
(for children under 4 years)
Mary Magdalene was crying.
She was so, so sad&
that Jesus had died.
"Do not cry" said an angel
"Jesus is alive. He is not dead."
Then Mary Magdalene saw Him!
And of course she knew
That what the angel told her was true.
Oh, Mary was so, so happy!
When all of Jesus'
friends saw Him
They were all so, so happy too!
Jesus was alive again
And we are so, so happy too!
New Words:
Easter: Christian festival: the Christian festival commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ
resurrection: rising from dead: in some systems of belief, a rising from or raising of somebody from the dead, or the state of having risen from the dead
tomb: a cave or chamber used for burial of a dead person
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