Themes > Character Education & Peace Education
Character Education Preschool Activities and Crafts
Peace Education

Come and have fun with the educational theme character education for preschool and kindergarten. This theme will address skills and concepts that are important in growing up to be a good neighbor and citizen.

Visit a a topic to find activities that include easy instructions and a list of materials needed related these topics. You will find crafts, printable activities, and related Internet links.

Aesop's Fables for Character Education Aesop's Fables for Character Education
picturre books for characer education Picture Books for Character Education
U.S.A. President's Legends  
abraham lincoln honest abe activities
Why was Lincoln called "Honest Abe" > Trustworthy 
Legend:  George Washington and The Cherry Tree The Cherry Tree and George Washington > Honesty
United States Patriotic Theme Posters and Coloring Pages U.S. Patriotic Holidays > Citizenship
Friendship - Good Neighbor
Finbo:  A Whale Story Finbo [Whale]
Peace Education  
dove activities and crafts Dove Theme: Symbol of Peace
family or unity flower craft Family | Unity | Peace Hand Flower Craft
kid's olympic games for friendship
Kid's Olympic Games > Focus - Friendship & Peace
rainbow printable activities and crafts Rainbow Theme:  Symbol of Peace
  Reading for Peace  
Features: What is peace?, Craft: My Peace Reading Wreath or Tree
Holidays Jan > Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (Jan. 15, 1929)
Jun > Race Unity Day (second Sunday)
Sep 21st > International Day of Peace
Sep 28th > Good Neighbor Day
Oct 24th > United Nations Day
Olympic Games
character education resources

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