Printable Activities > Coloring pages > Letter S & T · Animals > Amphibians > Toads and Salamanders [en español]
Toads and Salamanders Coloring Pages
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Enjoy these free toads and salamanders coloring pages to color, paint or crafty educational projects for young children and the young at heart.
Observances: May - 1st full week - Amphibian Week · USA
Salamanders Coloring Pages:

- Sleepy Singers: Toads might look like they're napping all day under leaves, but at night, they come alive! They sing loud songs called croaks to attract mates. Listen closely next time you're outside at night, you might hear a toad's musical serenade!
- Bumpy Bodyguards: Those bumpy warts all over a toad's skin aren't just for looks! They actually contain a special kind of yucky juice that can taste bad to animals who try to eat them. The warts are like a toad's personal bodyguard suit!
- Bug Buffets: Both toads and most salamanders love to munch on yummy bugs! They have long, sticky tongues that help them snatch flies, mosquitoes, and other wiggly creatures.
- Tricky Skin: Some salamanders can actually change their colors to blend in with their surroundings. This helps them hide from hungry birds and other predators!
- Water Wonders: Unlike frogs, most adult toads don't live in water. But salamanders love cool, damp places! You might find them hiding under rocks near streams or ponds.
- Axolotls: Smiling Superpowers!: These amazing creatures never grow up! Unlike most frogs and salamanders, axolotls keep their feathery gills and stay in the water their whole lives. They even have a permanent smile because of the way their lips are shaped. Sadly, axolotls are endangered because of pollution in their watery homes in Mexico.
- Newts: Handy Helpers in the Garden!: These cool semiaquatic salamanders are like tiny superheroes for your garden. They love to munch on slugs and snails, which can damage plants. Just like axolotls, several species of newts are endangered because their habitats are disappearing. We can all help by keeping our environment clean!