Rainbow and Noah's Ark Craft Genesis 9:8-17 Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities

- printer
- paper or card stock
- coloring tools for B&W template
- scissors
- glue stick
- optional items mentioned
Ages: 3 to 6 Level: Preschool to early elementary, VBS, Sunday school
The story of Noah is one that never ceases to fascinate adults and children. It appears to be a "short story" but it is actually quite long. It also has multiple messages from our Lord. We can revisit Noah's story again and again to reinforce all these messages with easy and fun activities.
This particular set of activities is meant to focus on one part of the story: THE PROMISE that God makes to Noah and humanity, and God's gift of a rainbow that represents that promise.
Activity 1 > Read and discuss Noah's Story > Biblical text > Genesis 9:8-17
Activity 2 > The Rainbow & Ark Craft - God Keeps His Promises - Ages 2+
This is an easy craft and the templates are available in color and black and white. This craft can also be modified to be more challenging to older children. You will find some suggestions for different age groups.
Practice Numbers: Take a look at the rainbow template 1. Each arch has been numbered from 1 to 6 on the left side. Count the arches together.
Color Coding: The black and white version of the rainbow has the colors printed on the right side border. Use crayons and color over the words to color code the rainbow to help the children choosing the colors to paint the arches.
Ages 2 to 3:
Option 1: Print color templates, cut out pieces. Provide instructions and a demonstration of assembly.
Assembly procedure:
- Apply some glue to the tab on the ark and glue in the center behind the rainbow template.
- Apply glue to the ends of the rainbow and position and glue each cloud.
- Optional: Glue cotton balls to the clouds, then and glue the text messages on top of the clouds (two Bible passages have been provided for the left cloud) and "God Keeps His Promises" on the right cloud. Make sure to discuss the text messages at this point.
Option 2: Print black & white templates. Color code the rainbow with crayons or a dot of paint next to the color words printed. It will be easier for children to use their fingers or Q-tips to color the rainbow. Place a wet/damp cloth or paper towel next to the child to clean their finger when switching colors. Explain to the children it is OK ifthe colors mix on the rainbow. Discuss what is an ark, a large boat. Color the ark brown also with fingers or crayons. Proceed with the assembly as above.
Ages 3 and older:
Print the black and white templates, this will allow for more color practice and creativity. Decide on any type of coloring or painting method that better meets your needs and the size of the group (finger paints, watercolors, tempera, crayons or markers). Proceed with assembly as explained above.
Ages 4 and older:
Replace the rainbow template with half of a small paper plate and cut out a small semi-circle from the bottom to form the rainbow arch. Draw five lines to divide the paper plate arc and color code each arc. Children can color or paint the plate and proceed with assembly as explained above for the ark, clouds and Biblical messages.
Additional idea: Make a Rainbow and Ark Paper Plate Holder.
After the templates are colored and painted glue the rainbow to the inside top section of a paper plate. Cut another plate in half and staple to the bottom to form a pocket. Glue the ark and clouds to the pocket. Add a string or ribbon to the top to hang. View this assembly procedure here on a similar project. This makes a cute gift, add a note pad or post-it note pad and a pencil inside the pocket to hang anywhere you need to have paper and pencil available for a quick note.
Activity > God created beautiful colors: Visual Arts & Science - Primary and Secondary Color Mixing Activity Ages 3.5+
It is a wonderful experience for children to see and experience how colors mix and form other colors. Visit this activity and printable materials to demonstrate how the colors of the rainbow - primary colors: red, blue and yellow mix and form the secondary colors: green, orange, and purple.
Activity 5 > Science/Weather & Climate > Rainbows Ages 4+
Two Easy Experiment: Catch a Rainbow Indoors and Outdoors
Plan for at least one of these two easy experiments to presentin a simple way how a rainbow is caused.
Discuss and define what is a rainbow:
A rainbow is an arc of light exhibiting the range (spectrum) of colors in their order. A rainbow is caused by drops of water falling through the air. It is seen usually in the sky opposite to the sun at the close of a shower and also in the spray of waterfalls. Certain weather conditions have to present for a rainbow to be displayed: rain or shower and a certain amount of sunlight.
Activity 6 > Alphabet Activities > Select a letter theme to present from the choices below
Activity 7 > Online Jigsaw Puzzles > R is for Rainbow
The puzzle to practice letter recognition and problem solving skills.The default puzzle is 6 pieces and adjustable.
Template 1 color or B&W
Template 2 B&W
Alphabet Printable Activities: