Bible Alphabet > Crafts > Letter A · Letter J · Bible > Online story > The Annunciation > Luke 1:26-38 · Holidays & Events > Mar 25th > Feast of the Annunciation - May > Month of Mary & Mother's Day [en español]
The Annunciation
Bible Preschool Lesson Plan Printable Activities

The Annunciation Bible Lesson Plan Printable Activities

The biblical story of The Annunciation is one that is very appropriate for Mother's Day, May: Mary's Month, and for March 25th- Feast of the Annunciation or anytime of the year.

The event of The Annunciation is a major turning point and relevant to Christians. In the Old Testament God made a covenant with the children of Israel. In the New Testament we read about the "New" covenant God brings to all people. The new covenant, or promise, is about Jesus: His birth, life, death and resurrection, and how He brings hope to people all over the world.

For Christians, the event of the The Annunciation is the beginning of that promise fulfilled when Angel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will bear a child and that He will be the Son of God.

Suggestions for discussion:
It is obviously difficult to explain all of the above to young children under the age of six, but it is indeed wonderful to share the story in a way that will be memorable to them and that imparts a few important messages that they can understand.

  1. We can tell young children that God promised to send Jesus to teach us above all to love one another and that Mary was chosen among all women to be his mother.

  2. Mary's reaction and response to this annunciation from God are also very important and send an important message to children about love, faith and obedience. These can also be topics of discussion when presenting the story.

  3. We can also discuss how God would send angels to tell people important messages, in this case it is Angel Gabriel that is the messenger.

Activity > Read and discuss The Annunciation
In the link provided is a simple adaptation of The Annunciation for young children 3+ and older. For your convenience, here is also a link to the Bible text - Luke 1:26-38. Read, adapt and discuss the text for the children.

Activity > Art Appreciation > The Annunciation
An image, such as a painting can be a wonderful way to bring the beauty and significance of a Biblical story. At the same time, we can introduce our children to great works art. At the bottom of the story are three links to view the most famous and beloved images of The Annunciation by Da Vinci, Botticelli and Grünewald. Share those you feel comfortable with, and explain that these are how famous painters (make sure to share their names) painted an image of what they imagined when they read the story of The Annunciation. These paintings are hundreds of years old and people around the world go to museums to admire their beauty, and these continue to tell the story of this important event.

Activity > Coloring Page Activity
Tell children they can also create their own painting of The Annunciation with two coloring pages - links are in the materials column and at the bottom of online story page and materials column. There are two different images for children to color. One image is large and young children will enjoy coloring and decorating it. Provide a variety of painting or coloring materials. The other has a smaller image and the text of the Bible story that you can save and can be read again and again.

Activity > Bell Angel Craft: (illustration on the right) This is an easy angel that also incorporates the beauty of music and the sound of bells.

For Children 3+ and older:

Optional: Angel Coloring Book or Angel Hand Puppet
If you have a large group of children or the children really enjoy coloring and painting you may want to select an image or images to create an angel theme coloring book.

Many of these images can also be cut around to make a hand puppet if printed on sturdy card paper or glued to card board and then add a craft stick. This activity can be done first and the children then can hold their "Angel Gabriel" during the reading of the story.

Alphabet Activities > A is Angel (long a sound)

Bible theme >