March Holidays and Events
Preschool Activities and Crafts @

March 2025 Printable Calendar

March holidays and events printable crafts, coloring pages, activities, lesson plans and themes suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten.

Holidays, Events and Observances

National Craft Month

in Our Schools Month [info.]

National Nutrition Month [info.]

Women's History Month
* Pilot: Amelia Earhart
* Children's Author & Illustrator: Beatrix Potter
* Nurses: Florence Nightingale

2nd: Dr. Seuss Birthday & Read Across America [info.]
The Lorax Activities - Books

4th: Mardi Gras

11th: Johnny Appleseed Day [info.] - Apple theme

17th: St. Patrick's Day
& Irish-American Heritage Month

16th - 22nd: Poison Prevention Awareness Week [info.]
Third full week

20th ET: Spring begins

20th: World Oral Health Day [info.]
2024-2026 A Happy Mouth is a Happy Body

21st: World Puppetry Day [info.]

22nd - 3rd Sat.: National Quilting Day

22nd: World Water Day [info.]

27th: National Little Red Wagon Day [info]
last Wednesday

30th: Vincent Van Gogh's Birthday [Sunflowers]

30th: Mothering Sunday [info.]
* Mothering Sunday lesson plan
* Mother's Day theme

Holidays & Events Index >

Animals - Pets & Environment Observances

17th-23rd: National Agriculture (Ag) Week [info.]
Last Wed.: Manatee Appreciation Day
1st: National Pig Day
3rd: World Wildlife Day
16th: National Panda Day
18th: International Serval Day
23rd: National Agriculture (Ag) Day [info.]
20th: World Frog Day [info.]
20th: World Sparrow Day [info.]
21st: International Day of Forests
22nd: World Water Day
22nd: International Seal Day
23rd: World Meteorological Day [info.]
23rd: National Puppy Day [info.]

Animals, Pets & Environment Observances Index >