July Holidays and Events
Preschool Activities and Crafts @ First-School.ws
July holidays and events printable crafts, coloring pages, activities, lesson plans and themes suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten.
Holidays, Events and Observances
National Ice Cream Month [info.]
July 15th - Ice Cream Cone Day
3rd Sunday is Ice Cream Day
National Picnic Month
1st: Canada Day
4th: Independence Day - July the 4th
10th: Teddy Bear Picnic Day:
* Picnic theme · Teddy bears theme
14th: Bastille Day · French National Holiday
Hot Air Balloon theme
Invented by the French Montgolfier brothers
20th: First Moon Landing · July 20th, 1969
Outer Space & Astronaut theme
24th: Amelia Earhart Day
28th: Beatrix Potter's Birthday
30th: International Friendship Day [info.]
Holidays & Events Index >
Animals - Pets & Environment Observances
2nd week: National Farriers Week [info.]
14th: World Chimpanzee Day [info]
14th: World Orca Day [info]
14th: Shark Awareness Day
15th: Pet Fire Safety Day
16th: World Snake Day [info]
18th: Cow Appreciation Day
29th: International Tiger Day [info]
Animals, Pets & Environment Observances Index >