July Holidays and Events
Preschool Activities and Crafts @ First-School.ws

July 2025 Printable Calendar

July holidays and events printable crafts, coloring pages, activities, lesson plans and themes suitable for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarten.

Holidays, Events and Observances

National Ice Cream Month [info.]
July 15th - Ice Cream Cone Day
3rd Sunday is Ice Cream Day

National Picnic Month

1st: Canada Day

4th: Independence Day - July the 4th

10th: Teddy Bear Picnic Day:
* Picnic theme · Teddy bears theme

14th: Bastille Day · French National Holiday
Hot Air Balloon theme
Invented by the French Montgolfier brothers

20th: First Moon Landing · July 20th, 1969
Outer Space & Astronaut theme

24th: Amelia Earhart Day

28th: Beatrix Potter's Birthday

30th: International Friendship Day [info.]

Holidays & Events Index >

Animals - Pets & Environment Observances

2nd week: National Farriers Week [info.]
14th: World Chimpanzee Day [info]
14th: World Orca Day [info]
14th: Shark Awareness Day
15th: Pet Fire Safety Day
16th: World Snake Day [info]
18th: Cow Appreciation Day
29th: International Tiger Day [info]

Animals, Pets & Environment Observances Index >