Themes > Bible [en español]
Bible Preschool Activities and Crafts

Bible Preschool Activities and Crafts

Welcome to the educational theme Bible preschool activities and crafts for older toddlers, preschool and kindergarten. Visit a subject to find educational Bible related activities with easy-to-follow instructions. You will find lesson plans, crafts, printable activities, coloring pages and related resources.

bible alphabet printable activities bible alphabet handwriting worksheets
Bible Alphabet Coloring Pages & Handwriting Worksheets
From A Angel to Z Zacchaeus
 D'Nealian · Standard block · Image Gallery
Includes links to Bible scripture, printable activities, coloring pages and crafts
Art Appreciation The Annunciation - View Art Masterpieces
Coloring Pages
Bible coloring pages
Alphabet, Angels, Christmas, Easter, New and Old Testament
Bible Theme Crafts  
Animals in the Bible Tied to a Bible related theme
dove theme crafts Dove
donkey activities Donkey
eagle activities Eagle
fish and fishermen activities Fish & fishermen
lamb and sheep activities Lamb - Sheep
lion activities Lion
lamb and sheep activities Ox - oxen
(Nativity animal)
quail activities Quail
sand dollar activities Sand dollar
Other Bible crafts  
Advent Wreath Craft | Christmas - Bible Advent Wreath
bell angel craft Bell Angel Craft
Craft available at Cross · Crucifixion: DLTK's Easter Mobile
Craft available at David's Bag of Stones @ DLTK's
Craft available at John 15:5 "I am the vine; you are the branches
Grape or vine coloring or painting
stand up nativity craft Nativity Craft
printable poinsettia fan craft Poinsettia Fan Craft
Rainbow and Noah's Ark Craft Rainbow and Noah's Ark Craft
Resurrection: "He is Risen" Craft Puzzle Resurrection: "He is Risen" Craft Puzzle
star theme crafts Star theme crafts  
The Nativity · The Wise Men Follow the Star
Shepherd theme crafts Shepherd theme crafts
willy watermelon craft at dltk Willy Watermelon craft Psalm 34:8
Holidays and Events Christmas and Advent
Easter > March or April
Mother's Day > May: Virgin Mary - The Annunciation
National Bible Week > November:
(Sunday to Sunday of Thanksgiving Week)
Homemade Toy "He is Risen" Puzzle
Story time & Activities  
The Annunciation story and activities The Annunciation
The Ascension of Jesus
The Birth of Jesus
The Legend of the Poinsettia
The Legend of the Sand Dollar
The Resurrection of Jesus
Science Bible Activity: Noah & the Rainbow:
Features: What is a Rainbow? Easy Rainbow Experiments: Catch a Rainbow Indoors & Outdoors
Read, listen (audio), search, and study the Bible in many versions and languages

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